

Groups consist of two or more of the already existing agents on your Maqsam account. You can create multiple groups on your account, and the agent can be added to one or more groups at the same time.

The purpose of groups is to manage agent access to specific Maqsam numbers for both inbound and outbound calls. By assigning a group to a particular Maqsam number, agents within that group are restricted to using only that number for outbound calls, ensuring they don't have access to other numbers. The same rules apply for inbound calls, limiting access based on group assignments.

This page will guide you through the steps of creating groups from your end. If the Groups page is not showing on your Maqsam account, kindly contact to enable the feature for you, and proceed with the rest of the below steps.

The groups page will show the below information:
  1. ID: Each group has its own unique  ID. 
  2. Name: Each group should have a unique name chosen by you.
  3. No. of Agents: This shows the number of agents in the group.
  4. Edit Option: This allows you to edit the name of the group.

How To Create Groups

Stage 1: Creating the Group

Step 1: Log in to your Maqsam Portal Admin Account using your Username and Password.
Step 2:  Go to Groups tab.
Step 3: Click on + New Group.
Step 4: Choose the name of the group and Save.

Stage 2: Adding Agents to a Group

Step 1: Go to Users tab.
Step 2: Click on the three dots next to the agent that you want to add to a specific group.
Step 3: Choose Edit.
Step 4: Scroll down the tab to Groups.
Step 5: Choose the groups you want to add the agent to and Save.

Assigning Groups for Inbound or Outbound Calls 

  1. Assigning Groups for Inbound: This feature allows you to route inbound calls on your Maqsam number to a designated group. You can assign the group to handle all inbound calls or configure it to take calls at a specific stage within your number’s IVR.
  2. Assigning Groups for Outbound: This feature restricts outbound call access to specific Maqsam numbers, meaning the group will only be able to make calls using the number they are assigned to.
In order to assign groups, kindly contact and provide them with the following information:
  1. Group name
  2. Maqsam number you want to assign the group to.
  3. Select whether you want to assign the number for inbound, outbound, or both.
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