Creating WhatsApp Templates with Variables
Variables can be used on all templates built on Maqsam. There are a few differing rules for variables sent in a message.
For templates sent out through WhatsApp the following rules apply:
1- Variables need to be created and used in sequential order. For example, Meta does not allow {{1}} words {{3}} but they allow {{1}} words {{3}} words {{2}}.
Not Allowed: "body": "Hi {{1}}, Your flight will depart from gate {{3}}. Please reply Stop to unsubscribe."
Allowed: "body": "Hi {{1}}, Your flight will depart from gate {{2}}. Please reply Stop to unsubscribe."
2- Variables cannot be right next to each other without a sample or an example. Meta considers variables separated only by a space as next to each other. There additionally needs to be characters separated by a space between variables.
Example that would need a sample: "body": "Hi {{1}} {{2}}, flight will depart from gate {{3}}. Please reply Stop to unsubscribe."
Example that would not need a sample: "body": "Hi {{1}} and {{2}}, flight will depart from gate {{3}}. Please reply Stop to unsubscribe."
3- Variables cannot be the start or end of a body string without a sample. Meta considers variable strings ending in a variable + punctuation as a variable at the end of a string. There will need to be extra text after the variable.
Example that would need a sample: "body": "Hi {{1}}, flight will depart from gate {{2}}."
Example that would not need a sample: "body": "Hi {{1}}, flight will depart from gate {{2}}. Please reply Stop to unsubscribe."
4- Templates cannot have too many variables relative to the message length. The general rule observed for this is for every 'x' variable there needs to be 2x+1 non variable words. For examples, For 2 variables, you need 5 non-variable words.Words being defined as characters separated by a space. There is also a limit of 100 variables per template.
Not Allowed: "body": "Hi {{1}}, gate {{2}}. Thank you."
Allowed: "body": "Hi {{1}}, Your flight will depart from gate {{2}}. Thank you."
5- Variables do allow for non-numeric variables. Variable names cannot have spaces
Not allowed: {{id name}}
Allowed: {{IdName}}
6- Template Body: Enter the content of your message. Make sure it follows WhatsApp’s guidelines for templates. When you copy the template content, from anywhere, and paste it in the body - Add the variables by clicking on the “add variable button”
- The variables will be added at the end of the text
- Copy each variable and paste it in the intended place
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